Colgate-Palmolive - Definition. Was ist Colgate-Palmolive

Was (wer) ist Colgate-Palmolive - definition

Η Colgate-Palmolive είναι αμερικανική πολυεθνική εταιρεία καταναλωτικών προϊόντων που εστιάζεται στην παραγωγή, διανομή και παροχή οικιακών, υγειονομικών προϊόντων και προϊόντων προσωπικής φροντίδας. Στο πλαίσιο της επωνυμίας "Hill's Pet Nutrition", είναι επίσης ένας παραγωγός κτηνιατρικών προϊόντων.
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Colgate-Palmolive
1. Oct 8 2005 | Read Correction: Colgate–Palmolive× Colgate–Palmolive issued a profit warning in September last year, not last month as incorrectly stated in an article on October...
2. Schestowitz has an advantage in that it also handles other Colgate–Palmolive product lines.
3. Among companies reporting today are ConocoPhillips and Colgate–Palmolive, with Nasdaq–listed Amazon and Monster Worldwide also announcing earnings.
4. P&G‘s Crest Whitestrips kick–started the trend, prompting rival toothcare brands such as Colgate–Palmolive and Unilever to launch similar products.
5. It will compete with rivals Johnson & Johnson and Colgate–Palmolive âЂ« both thought to be primarily interested in the personal care unit.